Friday, March 9, 2007

My Internship Expired Today

It's the last day to take my internship. The team treated me at Hai Di Lao, Ah, a famous Sichuan restaurant in Beijing. My manager Ray said, they were looking forward to my joining the team.
Yeah,six month, a memorable period is wonderful time for me. Before I returned my Sun Badge to the front desk, I wrote a letter to the team.
Dear all,
It's time to wave hands to everybody here. Today is
the last day of my interns
hip in Sun Microsystems.
I'm proud of being part of you, collaborating with
u and being guided by you. It's wonderful and I
have experienced quite a lot i
n the past six months.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my
thanks to my mentor Ted, a
ll my colleagues and
managers. Being friends with you guys is my great honor.

For me, leaving is just the beginning since I'll be
on board as a regular empl
oyee in July. For sure, I
will treasure the last 4 month in my undergraduate
tudy. See you guys in the so hot summer:)


Eric said...

Hoho, 很高兴认识你 :)

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